i promise you this, 2020

happy twenty twenty, friends!

i love new years because the writer in me suddenly has so much to write about. the year past, the year ahead, what to cherish and how to grow. my reflective brain starts to think and it can't seem to stop. so as you can imagine, that made narrowing this blog post down a little difficult for me.
after many drafts and too many late nights staring at my computer, i think i've found what my heart wants to share most.

twenty promises to 2020.

i think there's so much joy in new years resolutions (believe me, i've made MANY this year),
but something about the word promise has stuck out to me recently.
making a promise to someone is a very dear thing. it's a commitment you give to someone you love. it shows respect and compassion to keep a promise.
how sweet and special is that?

so this year, in addition to my new years resolutions, i thought i would make a few important promises to myself. things that cannot be checked off of a to-do list or listed on my resume, but meaningful decisions i can start to make this year to help shape me into the woman i want to become.

so here we go, my twenty promises for 2020.

1) i promise to be intentional with how i spend my time and who i spend it with

2) i promise to let go of the heavy weight of unmet expectations and start appreciating the beauty of unexpected joy

3) i promise to stop second-guessing myself and overthinking what i say 

4) i promise that i will prioritize my heart

5) i promise to not let a bad moment make a bad day

6) i promise to let myself feel things deeply and truly even when it would be easier not to

7) i promise to be intentional with my words and conversations

8) i promise to put family first

9) i promise to say thank you to jesus more often, like when i see a beautiful sunset or a cute boy smiles at me in the hallway

10) i promise to call people just to ask about their day and maybe send a few sappy letters this year

11) i promise to use social media (& this blog!) in a way that matters and feels authentic to me

12) i promise to be a "there you are!" girl rather than a "here i am!" girl

13) i promise to show up for myself even on the sad days, even on the boring days, and especially during the busy days.

14) i promise to look for one beautiful thing everyday.

15) i promise to not lose my excitement for the little things

16) i promise to step gracefully into this upcoming season of unknown

17) i promise to trust that good things will come in their time and that the most magical moments of my life have not happened yet.

18) i promise to not lose my authenticity even in situations that don't feel like me

19) i promise to live this year with a courageous heart.

20) and most importantly, i promise that when i mess up 
i will try again. 

i will try again.


twenty twenty has already become so dear to me just within these past few days, and my heart is hopeful for an incredibly special chapter ahead. 

here's to making this year full of kept promises and joyful hearts.

xx, gracie


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