the joy of celebration (happy birthday annika!!)

If you know me, you know that birthdays are my FAVORITE! Which means today is a super special and happy day because it is my friend Annika's SWEET 16!!!

Annika is one of the most genuinely kind people I know. She shines Jesus and His light every single day and it is SUCH a joy to be her friend.

I wanted to write this super short post to not only celebrate one of my favorite people ever (who is also one of the only people I know who faithfully reads this blog haha) but also to talk about the joy of celebration itself.

There are celebrations everyday. Some are huge, like getting married in a beautiful white dress to the prince charming you'd always hoped you'd find, or graduating college after 4 years of essays and tests. Some are small, like having someone in front of you at Starbucks buy your drink, or finishing an assignment that had been on your to-do list for weeks.

Although I'd say I'm an extremely emotional person in general- this week has been a CRAZY amount of really sad things and really joyful ones as well. I've been learning to celebrate more. Take things in stride. Not only feel grateful, but outwardly express my gratitude. Not just feel joyful, but give that joy to those around me.

As you go into this last month of school, celebrate the daily things that bring a smile to your face. Eat a cupcake on a Wednesday for no special reason. Talk to someone new. Tell those around you just how much you love them.
It's always a good time to celebrate.

And Annika if you are reading this HAPPPPPY BIRTHDAY I LOVE YOU!!!!! :) :)


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