ways to fix that end-of-school-year slump

Hey friends! Summer is approaching fast, and I'm beyond excited. This also means that I'm getting to the point in the school year where I am very ready to get outta there.
Maybe some of you are also hitting this spot where you really have a lack of motivation to power through these last few weeks. In this post, I talk about some things I have done recently that have helped me stay happy and motivated. I hope you will take away at least one fun thing to go do when you've finished reading!

1) buy a plant for your room! 
I currently have 3 little plants in my room, and I love them oh so much. Not only are they adorable, they also can have many health benefits. This article talks about these benefits. The picture below is the cutest succulent I just added to my room!

2) go see I Feel Pretty (Amy Schumer) or Life of the Party (Melissa McCarthy)
I went to see I Feel Pretty with my mom last week, and we were both a little hesitant. It turned out to be absolutely hilarious and such a feel-good movie. It has a good message, and was so so entertaining. We also saw Life of the Party with my grandma, cousin, and aunt and we could not stop laughing. We were almost crying with laughter, and the other people in the theatre were kind of concerned. The point is, go see a funny movie and I guarantee it will make your week.

3) do some reading
I've always been a reader, and am a huge advocate for spending an afternoon with a good book. I probably sound like a 90yr old librarian, but I kinda don't care. You don't know how it can change you if you don't go try it. Here are a few books I've recently read that I would SO recommend. 
- Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can't Stop Talking by Susan Cain
- Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte
-Love and Other Train Wrecks by Leah Konen
-Salt to the Sea by Ruta Sepetys

4) start doing summer-y things early
Just because school's not over yet doesn't mean you can't start doing Summer-y things. This weekend try one of the following fun, summer activities, and enjoy! Besides, what's summer without some pre-summer fun?
- go to a drive in movie
- go to your local farmers market (could get a plant for your room ;)
- bike around your neighborhood
- go out in the hammock and take a book with you- not your phone
- donate some cold-weather clothes you won't wear next year and bring out your summer clothes

5) actually study for end-of-the-year tests and finals
Sorry, this one is so not fun and for sure the hardest of them all. I'm just saying, you'll feel a lot better going into summer after you've kicked butt on your finals than if you didn't try at all to study for them. Afterwards, you won't have to think about school again and you'll be leaving as a happy gal knowing you did your best.

hope this inspired you!
happy saturday
xx gracie


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