What I've Been Loving

Hey everyone!
 I hope all is well and you enjoyed this St. Patrick's Day with a Shamrock Shake in hand. Today I wanted to share a few things that I have recently been loving!

1)  Turtles All the Way Down by John Green
My goal for 2018 has been to read 2 books per month. So far, I have completed my goal and have been really surprised at how much I miss reading. I forgot how much of an escape it is, and sometimes that's exactly what I need. My favorite so far is definitely John Green's new book, Turtles All the Way Down. It follows a teen girl figuring out love, friendship, and family all while feeling stuck inside her head. It feels very relatable and is also super entertaining to read.

2) Ted Talks
When I used to think of Ted Talks, I thought of videos teachers played in class to bore everyone. But recently my perspective has changed. A few weeks ago I was scrolling through Instagram and this influencer had shared a link to a Ted Talk they recommended to feel more motivated. I can't remember what exactly it was titled, but it left me feeling very inspired. Now, almost everyday when I come home from school, instead of playing music on the speaker I listen to a Ted Talk first. They aren't all life changing, but they always leave me thinking. Personally, I love to listen to ones about coping with anxiety, being an introvert in an extroverted world, and overcoming fear and worry. I always feel comforted after listening.

3) Painting and Drawing
I have never considered myself an artist, but I have always loved art. Art class was never my favorite for the sole reason that I had no talent at it. And after middle school, I decided I would never take an art class again because of this very reason. But here I am. Against all my better judgement and maybe a little lack of options in my schedule, I'm taking a drawing class. I honestly feel as if it's one of the hardest classes I'm taking right now, but I am so glad for this. It's hard, but it's also one of the few classes where I can relax and be creative. It's also led me to draw outside of school more, and even start to paint. I rediscovered painting after going to an open paint studio with my sister about a month ago, and now I want to do it all the time.
So, moral of the story is that even if you are so-called "bad" at something or feel challenged by it, if it makes you happy even a little bit you should do it.

4) Plan, Plan, Plan!
Lately, I have been relying on my planner so much, especially for my school work. I honestly don't know what I would do without it! I especially love the planner I have now because it has lots of stickers and is super cute, which is a very helpful motivator in my opinion.
Sorry for this long link, but look it's on sale!!

5) So no one told you life was gonna be this way...
If you just sang the last sentence, chances are you're a Friends fan. I know I'm the most behind person ever, but Friends has become my all time favorite show! You have probably all seen it, but if not, go go go! It's so hilarious. And after taking the BuzzFeed quiz on which character I am..... I'm Monica! Take the quiz and let me know in the comments who you get!

Thank you so much for reading, and I hope you try out some of these things in your own life!
xx, gracie


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