Starting New

Hey everybody. I think it's pretty clear that My Everyday Runway has not been at the top of my priorities in the past year. I want to say a few things about where my head has been at, and what the future of this blog holds. So, if you're interested keep on reading.
It's really hard for me to describe the year of 2017 as a whole. There were so many crazy good moments I never dreamed would happen (Hawaii, NYC, transferring to my dream school) but there were also some very hard moments where my anxiety really took over (the beginning of the school year wowza). It was the year that I even realized I had a real form of anxiety. In past years, I had pushed it off and took it for me just being a worrier. It hit me hard in some moments, and I had felt broken for the first time in my life. 
But now, here we are in 2018. I am in a better place, but still nowhere near close to the person I ultimately want to be. I am working everyday to strengthen my faith, and my relationship with family and true friends. 
I love my blog, and just thinking about the person I was when I started it (and my outfits oh my gosh!!) makes me giggle and look back with a fond remembrance. 
I am here to restart My Everyday Runway, but in a new and much more personal way. I will still include fashion of course, but I am aiming to bring more personal stories, advice, trip recaps, and hopefully some faith-related content. I have no idea how often I will post, but let's just hope it's more than last year :) 
xx, gracie 


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