2017 Birthday Reflection

Hey everyone! It's been so long since I've caught up with you on here, but I'm now trying to devote any free time I can get to working on this blog!
I was looking through my old posts, and found a "Birthday Reflection" from last year around this exact time. I thought it would be cool to do something similar a year later. Instead of sharing my favorite experiences, however, I thought I would more so share things I learned throughout the year.

1) Letting people go who aren't adding anything positive to your life is one of the greatest things you can do for yourself. 
I think my whole life I've had a sort of phobia of losing friends or saying goodbye to people in my life. It wasn't until recently that I've realized that sometimes saying goodbye is a good thing. Friendships can get toxic and sometimes you realize the other person isn't really wanting what's best for you anymore. Although losing anybody in your life is initially hard, it could potentially make you much happier in the long run.

2) Be grateful and make the most out of every experience. 
Hate to sound cheesy, but honestly life is so great. This past year I have experienced so many things I never thought I would get to see or do. I've been so lucky to travel and spend time with old friends, make new ones, and bond even closer with my family. I've checked things off my bucket list and met people I never thought I would meet. It has also been a hard year in different ways, but really focusing on being grateful has made a major difference in how I look at things.

3) Surround yourself with happy vibes.
This one pretty much sums up the whole idea of this post! Finding friends who are genuine and kind, helping out others, and finding activities, sports, or hobbies that make you happy is really what we should all strive to do. Evaluating your life and think about ways to improve is always beneficial!

hope this helped you out! ;)


  1. You provide valuable insight. I love following your blog and seeing the path you are on. Your biggest fan. Mom


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