DIY Inspiration Board
Hey fellow fashionistas!! Believe me, I am not your crafting diva. But I was determined to make this board. Today I'm going to be showing you how to make your very own inspiration board! I love this idea!! I can't even remember where I saw this…. it seems like they are everywhere! Basically, an inspiration board is to give you ideas…… for outfits, designs, art, pretty much everything. Here is a list of things you will need~
1. A magnetic or pin board.
2. Double sided tape or push pins
3. Scissors
4. Any old magazine you enjoy, be ready to cut it up :)
1. Find anything in your magazines that pop out at you. Color Combos, Trends, basically anything you like!
2. Cut it out, and double stick tape the back to your board. I used a magnetic board, so you could use magnets. I just did not want to cover any of the picture. If you have a pin board, you can also use push pins.
3. You're done! Hang it up and enjoy!!
By the way, the super cute high heel tape dispenser is from Target, and my magnetic board is from a local craft store.
Thanks for the tips. I am inspired to make one and use it to inspire me during the week.