No Longer Defined by my Schedule • Annika Richardson
Today, my sweet friend Annika Richardson will be sharing her words as a guest blogger. Thank you, Annika, for sharing your heart and the good news of Jesus! Let's dive right in. --------------- When all of this corona craziness started, I wasn’t really sure what was actually happening and I surely had no idea that it could eventually come so close and affect my life. I first heard about COVID-19 in February when it was running rampant in China, but I did not notice the severity of what was happening nor did I consider the possibility that the U.S. could be affected in the same way. Now, here I am, stuck at my house. In the past few weeks I have felt extreme disappointment, frustration, anger, bitterness, sadness, loneliness, fear, and isolation. These feelings aren’t bad, it is okay to feel these emotions, but what we do with them is so key. The first week or so of being home and practicing social distancing I was miserable. I moped around and did not ...