taking the brave route

four months ago, i took a leap of faith and i applied for a job that fit nowhere into my plan and seemed completely beyond reach. three months ago, i flew to denver and interviewed for that job i had no idea if i would get. i got the job that day. i cried and called my parents. two months ago, i began the most intensive training of my life and didn't think i could pass. one month ago, i passed. i earned my wings. i moved to a new state all alone and started a job i never thought i could have at twenty. and today, here i am. working a job that feels like a dream some days and is so incredibly difficult the next. i miss my family every morning when i wake up and brushing my teeth in the airport restroom will never not be weird to me. seeing the world from the cockpit window is an experience so breathtaking i can't put it into words and getting to explore parts of the country i've never stepped foot in before is something i am grateful and excited for. i...