why a phone-free vacay is the best gift you can give yourself
can you remember the last time you went without your phone? not just an hour or two during church, a family meal, or doing homework. have you ever just left your phone in a drawer on airplane mode for a day? a week? a month? let me tell you, the longer you leave it the less you want it back. i'm the first to admit that putting your phone away can be really hard at first. i used to hate leaving my phone at home for the day because I was scared I would miss important texts or just not be able to respond to people quickly. i now think it's freeing to leave it behind, and people don't care how long it takes you to respond (or at least they shouldn't). two weeks ago i tried this out. i left my phone at home for the week for my family's vacation to michigan. it was hands down the best week of my summer. here's what i learned: 1) the first night was hard! i'm kind of embarrassed to admit this but i did feel a brief moment of regret the first nigh...