DIY Inspiration Board
Hey fellow fashionistas!! Believe me, I am not your crafting diva. But I was determined to make this board. Today I'm going to be showing you how to make your very own inspiration board! I love this idea!! I can't even remember where I saw this…. it seems like they are everywhere! Basically, an inspiration board is to give you ideas…… for outfits, designs, art, pretty much everything. Here is a list of things you will need~ 1. A magnetic or pin board. 2. Double sided tape or push pins 3. Scissors 4. Any old magazine you enjoy, be ready to cut it up :) Directions! 1. Find anything in your magazines that pop out at you. Color Combos, Trends, basically anything you like! 2. Cut it out, and double stick tape the back to your board. I used a magnetic board, so you could use magnets. I just did not want to cover any of the picture. If you have a pin board, you can also use push pins. 3. You're done! Hang it up and enjoy!! By the way, ...