
Showing posts from October, 2014

DIY Inspiration Board

Hey fellow fashionistas!! Believe me, I am not your crafting diva. But I was determined to make this board. Today I'm going to be showing you how to make your very own inspiration board! I love this idea!! I can't even remember where I saw this…. it seems like they are everywhere! Basically, an inspiration board is to give you ideas…… for outfits, designs, art, pretty much everything.  Here is a list of things you will need~ 1. A magnetic or pin board.  2. Double sided tape or push pins 3. Scissors 4. Any old magazine you enjoy, be ready to cut it up :) Directions!  1. Find anything in your magazines that pop out at you. Color Combos, Trends, basically anything you like!  2. Cut it out, and double stick tape the back to your board. I used a magnetic board, so you could use magnets. I just did not want to cover any of the picture. If you have a pin board, you can also use push pins.  3. You're done! Hang it up and enjoy!!  By the way, ...

Gab With Gracie- Project Runway

     Hey fellow fashionistas! I know, two posts in a day?! I just couldn't leave the Project Runway finale alone! I needed to gab!!!! It was so dramatic!! So, here I go…. what I thought of the Project Runway finale. Feel free to comment your thoughts!         So, as many of you know the final 4 consisted of Char, Sean, Amanda, and my personal favorite Kini. After one episode I gravitated towards Kini and Amanda, who both fortunately made it to the final 4. I especially loved Kini's work, and his sweet attitude and love for his family. When it was time to eliminate someone for the last time, I was hoping for Char to leave. Nothing personal, I just didn't enjoy really any of her designs. Emily, who did get eliminated, I thought would have done a great job on NYFW. I was really disappointed when Char continued. When the designers were asked to show a preview of their collection before NYFW, the judges basically told Kini to redo his whole collection in a...

Sick Day Essentials & Outfit!

       Hey fellow fashionistas! I am feeling very under-the-weather today. Like… seriously…UGH. So, I decided it would be appropriate for today's post to be a sick day essentials and outfit! Now, you probably are wondering, why am I showing an outfit idea when I can really just wear pajamas all day. I'm talking more about if you have to go somewhere out of the house. Like… let's just say you have to pick up medicine……. you're not going to wear PJ's…  Maybe you are… whatever. But, for the people who like to get dressed on sick days… keep reading!         Let's start off with essentials. 1. A sleepy day playlist. I don't know about you, but sleepy and sad music really relaxes me. If an upbeat tempo is more your style, go ahead! Use whatever works for you.  2. A big glass of water… with or without fruit. It's very important to stay hydrated all the time, but especially when you're sick.  3. A good book! I t...


      Hey, fellow fashionistas! Welcome to my blog! I am new to the whole blogging thing…… so you're gonna have to bear with me. Basically, I just want to share my passion for fashion with the world. I believe that fashion not only can inspire others, but it can also raise your self-confidence. I know, we all have those days where we really just want to throw on sweatpants. But I am encouraging all of you to go the extra mile, and put on something that you love and makes you feel good. This doesn't mean to give up being comfy, cozy, and casual, it just means to put thought into what you wear and how it makes you feel.     Anyways, for my first post I wanted you guys to get to know me a little better! I decided the easiest way to do this is to just list some randoms facts about me! So, here we go… 10 random facts about me… 1. I'm obsessed with project runway, and I mean OBSESSED.  2. I'm really into home design…which explains my constant urge to rede...